In many countries, children are getting fatter and less fit day  by day. Why is it so and suggest solutions.

Written by Sarim

In our life’s health plays a vital and most prominent role, with advancement of time people have realized the importance of health. Now most of the folks have adapted a new way of life to be fit which includes running, walking and many other physical activities but on the other hand children are still getting fatter and less fit day by day, in this essay we would be discussing causes and proposed solutions for this problem.

To begin with there are several causes which ultimately reflects into children becoming fatter and less fit ,for instance snacks and carbonated drinks which are  increasingly  getting popular among children  and are also extremely unhealthy and contain lots of bad calories. Secondly, lack of physical movement among children is one of the great causes of this problem, but the main problem which had completely sabotaged the physical activity of children is the advancement of technology. Technology plays a most vital role in deteriorating health of kids and also negatively impacts their social skills too. Like for example most of the kids spend most of their time playing games on phones or computers and do not physically interact with each other or play any physicals sports like football or cricket. As a result, there is an excess of stored fats in their body and hence making them look fatty.

Moving towards the possible solutions such as providing kids with balanced diet and giving them healthy juices instead of carbonated drinks but the most important solution is to make sure your kids are going outside, and are engaging in physical games like football, cricket and etc. Limit his or her interaction with phones or computers so they would be more active throughout the day. There is another way to make children fit by walking and running regularly specially in the morning.

Therefore parents should restrict and impose time limits on using phones and encourage outdoor activities which would ultimately result in their kids being fitter and obviously less fatty.

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