Some people say that parents have the most important role in a child’s development.  However, others argue that other things like television or friends have the most significant  influence. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Written by Sarim

Development of a child is very vital and extensive period , which should be dealt with great care and caution. As it greatly impacts and reflects on an individual personality throughout his life. Different people possess their own narrative and view on whether parents play the most prominent role in child development or other factors play the most important role like friends or TV.  Before reaching to certain conclusion we should discuss both perspectives.

Parents gave birth to a child and gave them their identity, they nurture their child from infancy to adulthood. They teach them a sense of responsibility, parents plays a prominent role in disciplining their child. They provide their kids with education and teach them to walk and talk, they raise their  kids with great affection which ultimately reflects in character building .

On the contrary as you grow hold friends also plays a vital a role in your life in increasing your social skills. And most importantly some friendships lasts forever, which also build a sense of trust in you.  They broaden your narrow space of life gave you the exposure of the real world. On the other hand TV also plays great role in building your speaking skills in your initial years and most importantly somehow also teaches a sense of punctuality too, like most shows are aired at a specific time at a specific day.

In my perspective I would like to conclude with an opinion that parents  , friends or TV each plays their own respective parts in a child development you cannot distinguish between them as each of them plays a special  role in an individual life.

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