Some people say that the government should not put money  on building theatres and sports stadiums. They should spend  more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or  disagree?

Written by Sarim

As the whole world is currently progressing and advancing towards a modern era but each individual holds their own perspective and view in how a government should govern their respective countries. Some people believe that government should invest more money in medical care and education rather than investing in theatres and sports gymnasiums, but I am very adamant in holding my stance that a government should invest more in stadiums and theatres.

As our current world population is increasing with a very rapid astonishing pace, but with increasing population our current enjoying spots are getting more and more occupied and it is gradually increasing frustration among people. So there should be more stadiums and theaters in a country, where folks can relax and can be able create their own beautiful memories.

These days a normal 9 to 5 jobs is very tiring and even after getting through all these suffering, a citizen is not having any proper   place to even enjoy on weekends is making people paranoid can can trigger a sudden violent behavior. Even kids these days are also not having a proper play thus they are sticking to their phones which are reflecting devastating impacts on their health and social skills.

Government should also focus in advancing education and health sectors as they are primary aspects of our society and holds massive importance. Government should ensure schools and hospitals are well equipped to provide great quality of education and to cure any sort of diseases respectively.

According to my  view lack of enjoying spots are a major cause for heath related issues so a government should invest more in preventing health related issue rather the curing them. If there would be more theatres and stadiums so automatically it would reduce to diseases among people.

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