Money spent on space exploration is a complete waste, Goverments could better spend this money on other things to benifit the nation. to what extent do you agree or disagree

Written by Zainab

In today’s world, money is the driving force in one’s life be it a single person, the whole nation or the government. Money used for space exploration could have been used in other ways to benefit the nation. I strongly disagree with this thought.

The study of Astronomy has become more common and talked about. Scientists are very curious and keen to explore the space. This has lead to the investment of billions of dollars into its research. Companies like NASA has achieved some major results but a lot more is yet to be discovered. The Hubble Telescope and other equipments were costly but provided a great deal of information to us. With the help of government fundings, companies are able to research more freely.

Space exploration has lead us to discover the upcoming dangers such as a meteoroids hitting us or the collision of two meteoroids. We were able to find a way to create a network with different parts of the world by sending the satellites into space. Exploring the space has lead to a number of benefits which was helpful for the nation. People like, Elon Musk who started his company SpaceX are looking forward to inspect and learn more new things about the space.

However, some people believe it to be waste of money and assets of the country. They believe it can be spend on other things that can benefit the nation, but to be successful in today’s world, we have to go along with other countries and look into the fields which can benefit us. Astronomy is proving to be of benefits.

The people should be shown the results of the research in this field. Through this, they can realize its benefit and will be motivated to look into this.

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