Written by Sana Javaid

Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. but others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Helping people in need is a good initiative for the betterment of mankind. Many people have different points of view like charity organizations should limit charity to their country. Whereas, others think that organizations should help needy people regardless of their identity. In my opinion, charity begins at home.

I believe that, If any charity organization help people in their country then they will keep in touch with those individual. In addition, they will keep an eye on charity money whether it is given to a right person or not. Many organization have some corrupt people in it and they take money on behalf of needy person and used it for their benefit. For instance, EDHI home, an organization in pakistan who give their services for the benefit of man kind.

On the other hand, otherS think that these organization should provide charity to needy people throughout the world regardless or their country from which they belong. However, it needs a charity on a bigger platform with uage resources and with government permission. For example, developed country should send their doctors and teachers who are willing to give volunteery health services in hospital and teache students of developing country.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, In my opinion charity organizations should focused to erradicate poverty from their country before fulfilling the needs of other country.

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