Written by Sana Javaid

Some people think that children should learn how to compete, but others think that children should be taught to cooperate to become more useful adults. Express some reasons for both views and give your own opinion.

Life is the mixture of many virtues and People have different narratives on it. Some people believe that child should learn the technique to compete with this world. Whereas, other people think that cooperation is very important and child should learn about it to become a good humanbeing. In my opinion child should have to learn where they need to compete and where they need to cooperate.

To begin with, to survive in this astonishingly fast-paced developing world, healthy competition between folks are very necessary. In addition, the child should BE taught to compete with their fellows in a productive manner. they must know what are their limitations and they can not breach them. For instance, the student should give their 100% in studies to get 1st position in class, participating in any solo sports child must have competitive spirit. Whereas, businessman will also compete with others to get tender and expand their business.

On the other hand, cooperation is also necessary in different aspect of life. Therefore, by acquiring this ability will make the child a responsible and sensible person. For instance, many sports like cricket, basketball, and football need cooperation and teamwork. Another example is while performing CPR on any person, we need a chest compressor, a person on airway and defibrillator, a person on IV and a team leader.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, we should teach our child how to achieve their goals by doing healthy and productive competition and cooperation without letting down anybody.

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